Purim is the celebration of the story of Esther. It occurs in the spring, on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar. The story is found in the Book of Esther, or Megillah, the final Tractate of the Hebrew Bible. Purim is a carnival holiday, celebrated with costumes and carousing.

One feature of Purim celebrations is the Purim Spiel, where the story is acted out as the Megillah is read. The story itself contains numerous farcical elements- a cartoonish villain, a buffoon king, and mistaken identities. Consequently, Purim Spiels are works of parody, frequently lampooning popular culture and the larger societies in which Jews live.

The following Purim Spiels were originally produced at Congregation Sinai in Milwaukee, WI. They have since been performed in synagogues around the United States. They are offered here, for free, for use at your Purim celebration.

If you download one of these free spiels, please consider a donation to Congregation Sinai